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Everything You Need to Know About Custom Instructions

Discover how custom instructions can transform your ChatGPT experience and master the art of setting them up effortlessly! Personalize ChatGPT's responses to cater to your specific needs with just a few simple steps.

Custom instructions have quickly gained popularity since their launch, becoming a must-have setting for those looking to personalize their ChatGPT experience. Whether you're seeking tailored responses or specific conversational guidelines, custom instructions have got you covered. Let's delve into the ins and outs of this exciting feature!

In this blog post, we'll explore the essence of custom instructions, their significance, and the art of crafting top-notch customized prompts.

What are custom instructions?

Custom instructions on ChatGPT are a cool way to tell ChatGPT what you want! It is basically nothing but asking ChatGPT. to role-play as someone you want when answering your questions with a particular set of instructions.

You can set up specific guidelines for ChatGPT to follow when it responds to you. For example, if you're a student or a teacher, you can let ChatGPT know your role and writing style so it can give you answers that fit what you need. It's like giving ChatGPT a manual about how you like things.

It's pretty neat! You can also set formatting rules, get responses tailored to your specific needs, and even make ChatGPT remember certain details so you don't have to repeat yourself. Plus, it's available for all users, not just premium subscribers!

Why do you need Custom Instructions

Custom instructions on ChatGPT are super handy! It makes your life easier in more ways than one. Not only does it allow you to have proper and concise answers to your questions, it does it without extremely detailed prompts. This ends up saving you time too.

They're like your personal guide for ChatGPT to understand your specific needs. For example, if you're into coding, you can tell ChatGPT your preferred programming language and coding style. It's like giving ChatGPT a little cheat sheet about you! You can even ask it to format responses in a specific way, like bullet points or tables.

Plus, it can remember these instructions for every chat, so you don't have to repeat yourself each time. It's all about making ChatGPT work just the way you want!

How to access ChatGPT Custom Instructions

Accessing ChatGPT Custom Instructions is extremely easy. It takes you just 3 steps.

  • Open ChatGPT and log in.
  • In the bottom left of your screen, click on your name, and two options will open, Support and Customize ChatGPT. Open custom instructions.
  • As soon as you open it, enter the details and you’re good to go!

How to create the best custom instructions

In the first dialogue box, enter details about yourself. This could include your profession, job profile, what exactly you do, and what you need answers for.


In the second dialogue box, put in important instructions you want GPT to follow when answering you.


Maximum potential with custom prompts

ChatGPT plugins are add-ons that enhance the capabilities of the AI chatbot, increasing its efficiency and enhancing the user experience.

Custom ChatGPT instructions improve interactions and thereby enhance plugin experiences. For example, a location-based plugin such as DoorDash remembers your location, reducing the need for repeating settings.

Custom prompts for Professionals

Let’s look at some of Chatgpt’s best custom instructions that people in different professions can use.

Custom prompts for students


Custom prompts for Software Developers


Custom prompts for Content Creators



Custom Instructions on ChatGPT empower users to tailor their interactions with the AI according to their specific needs. It allows for personalized conversations and targeted responses without the need for excessively detailed prompts. Accessing Custom Instructions is simple and user-friendly, taking only a few easy steps.

By providing clear details about themselves and specific instructions, users can maximize the potential of ChatGPT's capabilities. These custom prompts serve various professional needs, such as for students, software developers, and content creators, enabling ChatGPT to provide accurate, relevant, and tailored support in line with each user's requirements. Ultimately, Custom Instructions on ChatGPT enhance user experiences and streamline interactions with the AI.


1. How do custom instructions impact ChatGPT's SEO performance?

Custom instructions allow users to tailor ChatGPT's responses to include targeted keywords and phrases, enhancing SEO relevance and visibility.

2. Can custom instructions on ChatGPT boost website engagement?

Yes, customized responses based on user instructions can lead to higher engagement metrics like longer session durations and lower bounce rates, improving overall website engagement.

3. What are some tips for creating effective custom instructions?

Provide detailed information about your industry and audience, include targeted keywords, and specify formatting preferences to optimize ChatGPT's responses for SEO and user engagement.