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Why build a ChatGPT wrapper in 2024?

Various ChatGPT wrappers have already emerged in 2023. We all know that there are already many similar products out there, such as chathub, chatbox, typingmind - do we really need another one?

If you are someone like me, the answer is yes:

I am not a loyal user of ChatGPT. I am not opposed to using Bing, Claude, Gemini, or even other open-source LLMs. ChatGPT is the best, but it is not necessarily the most suitable for me.

I don't need to use ChatGPT 4 (although we also support it) to handle daily tasks, and I certainly don't want to pay $20 a month to use ChatGPT Plus.

I only want to pay based on the amount I use. Obviously, the API is the most cost-effective.

I know that ChatGPT, Claude, Bing, Gemini, etc. have some free quotas every day. In total, there may be more than 200 query opportunities. Is this enough for me, can I use them all in one place?

I can use the browser sidebar to communicate seamlessly with LLMs without switching between different pages.

I spend 80% of my time in the browser every day. Can web content be seamlessly connected to LLMs? Gmail, Twitter, Reddit - I don't need thread scheduling, I need an AI assistant.

I hate the subscription system. $100/year is not good. A one-time payment of $20 is good.

I hate logging in, and all data wants to be stored locally.

Our chrome extension is not just a wrapper; it's a versatile AI assistant that can enhance your online experience in countless ways. From summarizing lengthy web pages to condensing YouTube videos into bite-sized summaries, and even helping you craft engaging posts on platforms like Twitter and Reddit, our AI helper does it all. With seamless integration into your browser, you can access these powerful features without having to switch between different pages. It's like having your own personal AI sidekick right at your fingertips, ready to assist you with any task. Give it a try today and discover the endless possibilities with AIChatOne!

With 0 promotion costs, a 1-person team, no platform risk, and the lowest cost, this is the reason for the existence of



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